It’s a solid inclusion that adds another layer of tactics – you’ll need to consider each unit’s Plant Food ability at the selection screen, as these supers can be the difference between victory and defeat when used effectively.Īs in the original, there’s no right way or wrong way to play, allowing a rewarding sense of freedom in your zombie-killing strategy. A standard Peashooter, for instance, unleashes a concentrated burst of peas down one lane, while the Melon-pult lobs a volley of watermelons all over the screen, and the Bloomerang sends boomerangs flying horizontally and vertically. Then, when the moment is right and the zombies are closing in, you drag it onto any plant to trigger a unique super attack. The new arsenal is greatly enhanced by the introduction of Plant Food useful plant steroid collected during levels which can be banked until you want to use it. It’s a low-damage attack against one enemy, but can be quite effective against crowds. Lightning Reed is fun too – this plant fires electricity down its lane and adjacent lanes, and the lightning strikes chain between zombies. Take Bonk Choy this fist-fighter has a limited range but packs a wallop, and can still be devastatingly effective from behind a defensive Wall-nut. Zombies 2's new plants are great fun to experiment with, too. Why? Who knows! But they leave a lasting impression. In the Wild West alone you’ll face grizzled prospectors propelled deep into your garden by dynamite, battle pianists that summon dancing cowboys, and fight a dude with a flock of chickens strapped to his body. The zombie bestiary changes with each world too, and – as you’d expect – many of the designs are adorably goofy.

These also reduce the amount of space you have to work with, but being able to plant atop the mobile mine carts that can shift lanes on the fly opens up a host of new possibilities, and PopCap's design very much takes advantage of them. The Wild West, meanwhile, introduces railroad tracks. You may have less room to plant, but you can also use the Spring Bean to bounce zombies into the nearby water, which can be a hugely rewarding one-hit-kill tactic.
The number of full lanes is often cut right back, with murky depths lurking to either side of the gangplanks. In Pirate Seas levels, for instance, zombie pirates attempt to board your ship.

Thankfully, they’re executed with the bubbly personality the series is famous for, and each setting introduces its own twists on the core mechanics. The new themes – Ancient Egypt, the Wild West and the Pirate Seas – are nothing if not archetypal. Many of the classic plants return, as does Crazy Dave – alongside some kind of sentient food truck – but instead of fighting around the house you’re taken on a trip through time and space. Zombies before then you know the basics of the sequel: grow plants to defend against the waves of zombies jonesing for your sweet, sweet brain. You can get to every single level without spending a cent, with only a handful of optional plants and perks locked behind a paywall. Gamers wary of sequelitis and aggressive in-game monetisation need not fear, however - the gameplay changes are thoughtful and a great deal of fun, while PvZ2 offers up an enormous amount of content for free. For the long-awaited sequel, PopCap hasn’t reinvented the gameplay wheel, instead opting to expand upon the original’s tried-and-true mechanics, while moving to a free-to-play pricing structure.