Only one piece remains to be found as the Doctor, Romana and K-9 arrive on Atrios, a planet locked in a terrible war with its twin Zeos. Their tracking device leads them to a Neolithic stone circle in Cornwall known as The Nine. Now, Ive seen all these serials ago years ago, but I remember not liking this series much, and thinking the serials were kind of weak and that the season mostly offered the same kind of stuff for all of it.

The search for the fifth segment brings the Tardis to treacherous swamps on the third moon of the planet Delta Magna, where a massive create is stirring beneath the waters. The Doctor and his companions track the third piece of the key to time to 20th century Earth. Doctor Who in its 16th series added the first season arc to the show, with The Key to Time.
#Key to time doctor who archive#
Allen Collection inlibrary printdisabled internetarchivebooks Digitizing sponsor The Arcadia Fund Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Publication date 1984 Topics Doctor Who (Television program : 1963-1989), Science fiction television programs Publisher London : W.H. Romana assumes that the search for the fourth segment on the planet Tara will be simple, but nothing on Tara is as it first appears. Doctor Who, the key to time : a year-by-year record by Haining, Peter, author. The search for the third portion of the Key leads the Doctor, Romana and K-9 to England and an ancient stone circle called the Nine Travellers. The Doctor, K9 and his new Time Lord friend, Romana are chosen to find the 6 segments of the Key to Time by the White Guardian. Tom Baker, the popular fourth Doctor, is joined by the beautiful Romana (Mary Tamm) in this. The Search for the Key's second segment brings the Doctor and Romana to the planet Zanak, where a terrifying pirate captain controls the most destructive f-rce in the galaxy. The method to the producer's madness in the Key to Time saga is to highlight backwater, previously unvisited worlds so that popular Doctor Who villains. The entire 16th season of the long-running cult classic. Landing on the wintry planet of Ribos to locate the first segment, the Doctor and Romana are soon entangled with a pair of conmen.
#Key to time doctor who full#
In an intergalactic treasure hunt that spans a full season, the Doctor is summoned by the mysterious White Guardian to find the six segments of the Key to Time. Oddly, despite all its problems, it’s something of a no-brainer to recommend to Doctor Who fans simply because it’s a great deal of fun much of the time, warts and all. Doctor Who: The Key To Time - Special Edition Essentially what you have in The Key to Time is a strong beginning, a decent middle, and a weak ending.