After saving NY from Hope's gang he gets a letter from Monro saying revealing he's a Templar, kept the Manuscript safe, that he has shown both loyalty and resourcefulness to the Templar cause despite being a former Assassin. After killing Le Chasseur and finding out if the poisonous gases Shay returns to Gist and ask if he ever wondered if he are doing the right thing, If he chose the right path. Monroe responds with saying money is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. Shay finds it funny, he thought rich men wanted them to be a place of profit. He simply want the colonies to be a place of safety, development, and purpose. Monro understand, but says there is no need. Gist states Shay us questioning their intensions towards their fellow man. Shay wonders if they're hiding something so Monroe ask why he thinks that. Shay says it's always the little ones that gets bullied. Gist notes that they even steal from the people. It starts with Monroe saying the gangs are sponsored by the Assassins who want to undermine the authority. After meeting they go aboard the Morrigan, continuing the Templar philosophy. So he'll go to Monro in Albany and after that, he'll see. Shay thinks Colonel Monro is an intriguing man, and that he seems honorable. Shay calls it a hive minded utopia and Gist ask if he wants to make it happen. Curiously Shay ask what ideals and Gist responds by saying secure borders, prosperous farms, fair trade. Gist says no and that he simply agree with Monro's ideals. Shay instantly question by saying "us?" and says he just tough Gist wanted to check how Monro was doing and not sign him up in the army. Some time later after saving Gist, Gist says Monro has work for them. So Shay says it sounds like he has a good will to those he govern. Freedom from want is the greatest freedom of all. He says they shared a dream, that of making the world a better place. Monroe responds with the fact that they cared about the people. Shay ask about the Finnegan's son who worked for him, Monro says they are much alike and Shay wonders how. Shay gets some money for renovation allowing the city to progress while Monro says he may not have a reason to trust him. And Monro says perhaps actions will prove it. So Shay ask what way and he responds with wanting the colonies to be safe and prosperous, Shay says it's nice words. Monroe being the honorable and honest guy he is says he don't blame Shay for saying that and says he works differently than most. When Monroe first arrive Shay questions his motives and calls him a common land lord and says the people are suffering. So he starts fighting them while laying low as they think he's dead. So he has to problem with the Assassins until he discovers what their gangs do to the people. To his surprise he's alive and thinks the Manuscript is gone in the sea. So he tries to kill himself by jumping of it but gets shot in the shoulder and survive. He tries a second time to warn Achilles, calmly this time but gets attacked, chased and cornered by a cliff. So he's forced to betray them, so he steals the Manuscript but gets busted. Then after a traumatic even he tries to warn the Assassins about Isu Temples but they won't listen. He regretted killing those, even as an Assassin. He's a man of honor as he didn't like kicking people who was already down, like Washington who was a dead man walking, time would have killed him and Waldrop who couldn't even stand properly out if fear. He always questioned what he did wether as an Assassin or Templar and those he worked with. He's the most humane, emphatic, curios and selfless protagonist so far.